In the serene expanse of Damdim, the Bokar Shedra Obar Chimeyling Institute, founded in 2000 by Venerable Kyabje Dorjee Chang Bokar Choktrul Karma Ngedhon Choki Lodoe Rinpoche and Venerable Khenpo Lodrö Donyö Rinpoche, stands as a testament to visionary dedication. A monastic sanctuary, it has evolved into a beacon of wisdom and spiritual growth.

Founding Vision:
The critical need for a space dedicated to the study and practice of Buddha’s scriptures and the major Buddhist philosophical texts fueled the vision of Rinpoche. In honor of this commitment, the institute was named Shedra (Buddhist Institute) on March 18, 2000. Originating with 14 students in the Tibetan settlement camp-7 of Mungod, it has thrived into a community of approximately 350 monks, celebrating its 25th anniversary.

Relocation to Damdim:
On the 25th anniversary, Bokar Shedra monks seamlessly moved to Obar Chimeyling Institute in Damdim, West Bengal, marking a new chapter.

Educational Initiatives:
The institute has been a cornerstone of proper education, welcoming students predominantly from the Himalayan region. Monthly Buddhist philosophy discussions and the 100 Recitations of the Tara Ritual, a tradition initiated by the 3rd Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche, highlight a dedication to ongoing spiritual learning.

Cultural and Ritual Events:
As per the Tibetan calendar, monthly rituals on the 10th and 25th are observed, including the Hevajra rituals conducted for seven days each year. Preliminary practices and three fundamental rituals form an integral part of the monks’ routines. Guided by Bokar Educational Department, the institute hosts exams, bi-monthly discourses, and competitions, fostering a holistic learning environment.

Bokar Shedra Obar Chimeyling Institute is not just a space for learning but a spiritual haven. Furthermore, with rich history and dedication, Bokar Shedra in Damdim continues as a source of enlightenment, nurturing spiritual journeys.